Beisel is encouraging those 16 to 24 to be a champion for blood donations this summer ahead of the games in Paris later this year.

Photos of Beisel at RIBC’s summer challenge pep rally at North Kingstown can be found here.

RHODE ISLAND– Rhode Island Blood Center (RIBC) and 3x Olympian, RIBC partner and Rhode Island native Elizabeth Beisel issued a summer challenge today to encourage blood donations during the critical summer months. This challenge came at a pep rally that took place at Elizabeth’s alma mater, North Kingstown High School on May 29, 2024.

“It was an honor to be a special guest at my alma mater North Kingstown High school on behalf of Rhode Island Blood Center,” said Elizabeth Beisel, 3x Olympian and champion of blood donations. “The pep rally for students was a beautiful and impactful way to raise awareness for the crucial need for blood donations during the upcoming summer months. It was heartwarming to see so many familiar faces and feeling the strong sense of community and Skipper Pride, especially when it comes to a cause I hold near and dear to my heart. I encourage everyone to roll up their sleeves this summer and be a blood donor champion for patients in need.”

As excitement builds ahead of the games taking place in Paris later this summer where Beisel will be providing commentary for the swim events, the Olympian is laying down a challenge to youth and first-time donors. RIBC and Elizabeth are looking to increase donations for those 16 to 24 by 10% compared to 2023 and comes amid a drastic decline in donations among this age group. At one time, donations from 16-24-year-olds accounted for 25% of the country’s blood supply; now, only about 10% of blood donations come from youth donors.

“The summer months are a difficult time for blood donations as people get busy with vacations, enjoying the beautiful weather outside and attending summer parties or BBQs,” said Caitlin Grimaldi-Flick, Marketing and Communications Manager for Rhode Island Blood Center. “However, the need for blood is constant and that is why we need everyone to pledge to roll up their sleeves and give this summer season. It takes less than an hour and you too can be a champion of blood donations like Olympian Elizabeth Beisel.”

RIBC is encouraging everyone to donate at least once a season to prevent future blood shortages. Blood donors can give every 56 days, and up to 6 times a year. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently lifted several blood donor eligibility restrictions. To view current eligibility guidelines, click here or call 401.453.8383.

To make an appointment at a donor center or mobile drive, call 401.453.8383 or visit