The outpouring of support for 8-year-old Dorian Murray, who battled childhood cancer for four years, began right here in Rhode Island with RIBC blood donors. With his wish, as he put it, “to be famous before I go to Heaven,” that support went global. People all over the world posted their love for Dorian using the hashtag #DStrong.

One of the reasons Dorian was able to stay #DStrong for years after having been diagnosed with stage 4 rhabdomyosarcoma was by receiving many blood transfusions he needed during chemotherapy and radiation. All of those donations came from Rhode Island Blood Center donors. Because of people in the community who make it a priority to give blood, it was there for him every single time he needed it.
Dorian’s love of life and his smile — that beautiful smile that reached his eyes in spite of all he’d gone through — inspired many blood donations made more smiles possible for others in need. If you want to honor Dorian’s memory and aren’t sure how, one way is to keep giving blood.
Dorian’s mom Melissa, says, “I love that Dorian’s story helped encourage people to donate blood and feel so passionately about it. I’m glad we made a difference and can continue to in his memory.” There are many people who still need blood every day to stay strong just like Dorian did.