Dennis Price is committed to helping the Rhode Island Blood Center (RIBC) in our mission to help save lives. He is a loyal blood donor who is a member of the exclusive 14-gallon club.
Dennis recently sat down with RIBC to discuss the importance of donating blood and why he takes the time to make it part of his routine.
Denni has long served his community. He is retired after working 34 years with the Post Office. He now works part time helping seniors at the East Providence Senior Center. Dennis tells RIBC that helping those in his community runs deep for him.

“I am a giver. When I was at the post office, I knew my customers and took care of them and it’s like that now with the senior center. I am just that type of person who gives and helps.”
Part of that giving nature also includes donating blood. Dennis first donated with RIBC in 1984. Dennis tells us he was inspired to donate from his time working at a pharmacy in Rhode Island Hospital.
“I know the blood is going to people and helping them. I saw the patients enough to know that it’s something they needed.”
For Dennis, he also has a personal connection to the cause. Reflecting on family members who have sickle cell anemia. He saw firsthand how blood donations helped those relatives with the chronic blood disorder. That made him want to donate even more, noting it takes less than an hour of his time with each donation.
“The last time I gave was on the bus, the donation part was 7 minutes and it’s just a pinch. As long as I stay hydrated for the rest of the day, I didn’t have to make extra changes to my routine.”
In all, Dennis has helped over 330 patients in our community. He is also one of our top African American donors. It’s something Dennis never really gave much thought to. Telling RIBC he saw a need so he acted.
“It’s simpler than people make it out to be. A lot of people don’t understand, you see the needle and it can be scary, but it really doesn’t hurt and it doesn’t take that long.”
Dennis tells RIBC that he thinks people would be surprised to learn you likely know someone in your community who needs blood. We chatted about the patient stories donors wills ee on the walls when they come to donate at one of our six centers. Dennis tells RIBC those stories connected with him as a reminder that need is great, and each dontaion will go to helping save up to three lives.
“Whatever gift you have, you should share it. I have the gift of being able to donate and help people.”
His message to those who are considering donating but are perhaps a little hesitant is simple.
“For anyone who hasn’t given, at least make that initial call to the blood center to find out details to see if you could donate. There is a need now and once every eight weeks isn’t too much.”
Schedule your appointment or call 401-453-8383